Scars of the Heart: Wan Clan No

He prays every hour and cries every day, but says he has never given up hope of seeing the family he left behind in North Korea. Continue reading
He prays every hour and cries every day, but says he has never given up hope of seeing the family he left behind in North Korea. Continue reading
“These stories are too painful to take to their graves,” she says.
“Time is running out.” Continue reading
He wants to tell them, “Thank you for living, so we could meet again.” Continue reading
He fondly remembers the North Korea where he grew up as natural and clean, from the Milky Way so crystal clear in the night sky to the organically grown corn, wheat and rice he ate. Continue reading
He and his schoolmates fought for South Korea side by side with American forces. Continue reading
He remembers vividly: a small desk his father made him for kindergarten, since everyone had to bring his own desk, and the taste and smell of apples and pears from growing up on his father’s orchard. Continue reading